Betwixed Charity Sequence Dance 29th December – over 60 dancers attended our annual Charity Dance at Wincham Community Centre in Cheshire. Joyce is not well enough to dance these days so I had the terrific help of Tony & Jean with the leading, cake making and tea serving, etc. We danced to some great music by David Last. There was a very good array of raffle prizes and Dorothy made sure everyone had a ticket. The whole evening made a profit of £322 and added to this the proceeds of our raffle, held at our Turkey & Tinsel weekend in Llandudno at the begining of Dececmber, means that we have been able to forward cheques value £233 to Prostate Cancer UK (Tony had treatment for this earlier in 2018) & the Haemophilia Society (my brother, who had haemophilia, died from HIV in the early 1980’s after he was given a transfusion of infected blood). A great evening of Sequence Dancing and my thanks to all who attended and those who helped in any way on the evening. Fred.